Waterproofing of balconies and terraces with TPO membranes

1 Concrete Repair
KÖSTER Betomor Multi A
2 Leveling underlayment
3 Separation layer

5 Protection Sheet

6 Terrace covering on pedestals

An easy method for waterproofing balconies and terraces is using the KÖSTER TPO waterproofing membranes loose-laid.

After the concrete substrate is renovated KÖSTER TPO can be installed with a additional fleece protection layer or directly on an isolation without any primer. For waterproofing the area KÖSTER TPO is loose-laid. With a width of up to 2.1 m, a very fast application is possible. If the waterproofing is applied vertically onto a wall, the waterproofing membrane is mechanically fixed in transition. For every single possible detail in balconies and terraces KÖSTER TPO has the right accessory in the product range.



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